Laksari Lab

ArXiv Papers

  • A. Deshpande, K. Laksari, (2023), “End to end stroke triage using cerebrovascular morphology and machine learning”, medRxiv, 2023.02. 27.23286357. [link]

  • Journal Papers
    1. 39. A. Despande, J. Elliott, B. Jiang, P. Tahsili Fahadan, C. Kidwell, M. Wintermark, K. Laksari (2023), “End to end stroke triage using cerebrovascular morphology and machine learning”, Frontiers in Neurology. [link]
    2. 38. A. Kamali, M. Sarabian, K. Laksari, (2022), “Elasticity Imaging Using Physics-informed Neural Networks: Spatial Discovery of Elastic Modulus and Poisson's Ratio”, Acta Biomaterialia. [link]
    3. 37. Danya Pradeep Kumar, K. Laksari, Nima Toosizadeh, (2023), “Sensor-Based Assessment of Variability in Daily Physical Activity and its Association with Frailty”, Gerontology. [link]
    4. 36. C. Grijalva, D. Halle, L. Wu, N. Toosizadeh, K. Laksari, (2023), “Hyper-acute effects of sub-concussive soccer headers on brain function and hemodynamics”, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, [link]
    5. 35. A. Kamali*, L. Dieckhaus*, E. Peters, C. Preszler, R. Witte, P. Pires**, E. Hutchinson**, K. Laksari,** (2023), “Ultrasound,photoacoustic,andmagnetic resonance imaging to study hyperacute pathophysiology of traumatic and vascular brain injury”, Journal of Neuroimaging, [link]
    6. 34. F. Eskandari, M. Shafieian, M. M. Aghdam, K. Laksari, (2022), “Morphological Changes in Glial Cell Arrangement under Mechanical Loading: A Quantitative Study”, Journal of Neuroimaging, [link]
    7. 33. A. Deshpande, J. Elliott, N. Kari, B. Jiang, P. Michel, N. Toosizadeh, P. Tahsili Fahadan, C. Kidwell, M. Wintermark, K. Laksari, (2022), “Novel imaging markers for altered cerebrovascular morphology in aging, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease”, Journal of Neuroimaging, [link]
    8. 32. M. Sarabian, H. Babaee, K. Laksari, (2022), “Physics-informed neural networks for brain hemodynamic predictions using medical imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, doi: 10.1109/TMI.2022.3161653. [link]
    9. 31. K. Laksari, M. Kurt, L. Wu, (2022), “Concussion Mechanism: Biomechanical Perspectives”, Tackling the Concussion Epidemic, pp. 1-24. Springer, Cham. [link]
    10. 30. H. Thurgood, R. Witte, K. Laksari, (2021), “4D Reconstruction and Identification of Carotid Artery Stenosis Utilizing a Novel Pulsatile Ultrasound Phantom”, Current Protocols, 1, e264. [link]
    11. 29. C. Grijalva, N. Toosizadeh, J. Sindorf, Y. Chou, K. Laksari, (2021), “Dual‐task performance is associated with brain MRI Morphometry in individuals with mild cognitive impairment”, Journal of Neuroimaging, 1-14. [link]
    12. 28. A. Deshpande, N. Jamilpour, B. Jiang, C. Kidwell, M. Wintermark, K. Laksari, (2021), “Automatic Segmentation, Feature Extraction and Comparison of Healthy and Stroke Cerebral Vasculature”, NeuroImage: Clinical, 102573. [link]
    13. 27. E. Ozkaya, G. Fabris, F. Macruz, Z. Suar, J. Abderezaeia, B. Su, K. Laksari, L. Wu, D. Camarillo, K. B. Pauly, M. Wintermark, M. Kurt, (2020), “Viscoelasticity of children and adolescent brains through MR elastographye”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. [link]
    14. 26. F. Eskandari, M. Shafieian, M. Aghdam, K. Laksari, (2020), “Mind the gap: A mechanobiological hypothesis for the role of gap junctions in the mechanical properties of injured brain tissue”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. [link]
    15. 25. P. Arrue, N. Toosizadeh, H. Babaee, K. Laksari, (2020), “Low-rank representation of head impact kinematics: A data-driven emulator”, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. [link]
    16. 24. F. Eskandari, M. Shafieian, M. Aghdam, K. Laksari, (2020), “The Importance of Axonal Directions in the Brainstem Injury during Neurosurgical Interventions”, Injury. [link]
    17. 23. F. Eskandari, M. Shafieian, M. Aghdam, K. Laksari, (2020), “Structural Anisotropy vs. Mechanical Anisotropy: The Contribution of Axonal Fibers to the Material Properties of Brain White Matter”, Annals of Biomedical Engineering. [link]
    18. 22. D. Pradeep Kumar, C. Wendel, K. Laksari*, N. Toosizadeh*, (2020), “Between-day repeatability of sensor-based in-home gait assessment among older adults: assessing the effect of frailty”, Journal of Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. [link]
    19. 21. H. Lv, M. Kurt, N. Zeng, E. Ozkaya, F. Marcuz, L. Wu, K. Laksari, D. Camarillo, K. Butts Pauly, Z. Wang, M. Wintermark, (2020), “MR elastography frequency–dependent and independent parameters demonstrate accelerated decrease of brain stiffness in elder subjects”, European Radiology. [link]
    20. 20. F. Eskandari, M. Shafieian, M. Aghdam, K. Laksari, (2020), “Tension strain-softening and compression strain-stiffening behavior of brain white matter”, Annals of Biomedical Engineering. [link]
    21. 19. D. Pradeep Kumar, Nima Toosizadeh, J. Mohler, H. Ehsani, C. Mannier, K. Laksari, (2020), “Sensor-based characterization of daily walking: a new paradigm in pre-frailty/frailty assessment”, Journal of BMC Geriatrics. [link]
    22. 18. F. Eskandari, M. Shafieian, M. Aghdam, K. Laksari, (2020), “A knowledge map analysis of brain biomechanics: Current evidence and future directions”, Journal of Clinical Biomechanics. [link]
    23. 17. K. Laksari, M. Fanton, L. Wu, T. Nguyen, M. Kurt, C. Giordano, E. Kelly, E. O'Keeffe, E. Wallace, C. Doherty, M. Campbell, S. Tiernan, G. Grant, J. Ruan, S. Barbat, D. Camarillo, (2020), “Multi-directional dynamic model for traumatic brain injury detection”, Journal of Neurotrauma. [link]
    24. 16. J. Abderezaei, W. Zhao, C. Grijalva, G. Fabris, S. Ji, K. Laksari*, Mehmet Kurt*, (2019), “Nonlinear dynamical behavior of the deep white matter during head impact”, Physical Review Applied. [link]
    25. 15. M. Kurt, L. Wu, K. Laksari, E. Ozkaya, Z. Suar, H. Lv, K. Epperson, K. Epperson, A. Sawyer, D. Camarillo, K.B. Pauly, M. Wintermark, (2019), “Optimization of a Multifrequency Magnetic Resonance Elastography Protocol for the Human Brain”, Journal of Neuroimaging. [link]
    26. 14. C.T. Yen, J. Mohler, M. Dohm, K. Laksari, B. Najafi, N. Toosizadeh, (2018), “The Effect of Pain Relief on Daily Physical Activity: In-Home Objective Physical Activity Assessment in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients after Paravertebral Spinal Block”, Sensors. [link]
    27. 13. K. Laksari*, M. Kurt*, H. Babaee, S. Kleiven, D. Camarillo, (2018), “Mechanistic Insights into Human Brain Impact Dynamics through Modal Analysis”, Physical Review Letters. [link]
    28. 12. L. Wu, C. Kuo, J. Loza, M. Kurt, K. Laksari, L. Yanez, D. Senif, S. Anderson, L. Miller, J. Urban, J. Stitzel, D. Camarillo, (2017), “Detection of American football head impacts using biomechanical features and support vector machine classification”, Scientific Reports. [link]
    29. 11. C. Kuo, L. Wu, P. Ye, K. Laksari, D. Camarillo, E. Kuhl, (2017), “Pilot findings of brain displacements and deformations during roller coaster rides”, Journal of Neurotrauma. [link]
    30. 10. M. Rastgar Agah, K. Laksari, S. Assari, K. Darvish, (2016), “Mechanical behavior of porcine thoracic aorta in physiological and supra-physiological intraluminal pressures”, Journal Engineering Physics. [link]
    31. 9. M. Kurt, K. Laksari, C. Kuo, G. Grant, D. Camarillo, (2016), “Modeling and optimization of airbag helmets for preventing head injuries in bicycling”, Annals of Biomedical Engineering. [link]
    32. 8. L. Wu, K. Laksari, C. Kuo, J. Luck, D. Bass, S. Kleiven, D. Camarillo, (2016), “Bandwidth requirements for wearable head impact sensors”, Journal of Biomechanics. [link]
    33. 7. K. Laksari, D. Shahmirzadi, C. Acosta, E. Konofagou, (2016), “Energy-based Constitutive Modeling of Focal Material Properties of Canine Aortas”, Journal of the Royal Society Open Science. [link]
    34. 6. M. Rastgar Agah, K. Laksari, S. Assari, K. Darvish, (2016), “Mechanical instability of aorta due to intraluminal pressure”, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 8, Issue 1. [link]
    35. 5. K. Laksari, L. Wu, M. Kurt, C. Kuo, D. Camarillo, (2015), “Resonance of Human Brain under Head Acceleration”, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12.108: 20150331. [link]
    36. 4. F. Hernandez, L. Wu, M. Yip, K. Laksari, A. Hoffman, J. Lopez, G. Grant, S. Kleiven, D. Camarillo, (2014), “Six Degrees of Freedom Measurements of Human Mild Traumatic Brain Injury”, Annals of Biomedical Engineering. [link]
    37. 3. K. Laksari, S. Assari, B. Seibold, K. Sadeghipour, K. Darvish, (2014), “Computational Simulation of the Mechanical Response of Brain Tissue under Blast Loading”, Journal of Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. [link]
    38. 2. K. Laksari, K. Sadeghipour, K. Darvish, (2014), “Mechanical Response of Brain Tissue under Blast Loading”, Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. [link]
    39. 1. K. Laksari, M. Shafieian, and K. Darvish, (2012), “Constitutive model for brain tissue under finite compression”, Journal of Biomechanics. [link]

    1. Conference Papers
    2. Y. Y. Do, S. Soltanian, K. Laksari, L. Wu, (2020), “Designing a physical model to investigate the role of cerebrospinal fluid in head impact biomechanics”, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport (SB3C) Conference, CO, USA
    3. A. Deshpande, N. Jamilpour, B. Jiang, M. Wintermark, K. Laksari, (2019), “Automatic Segmentation and Labeling of Patient Specific 3D Cerebral Vasculature”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Philadelphia, PA, USA.
    4. D. Pradeep Kumar, N. Toosizadeh, J. Mohler, K. Laksari, (2019), “Frailty Assessment based on the Quality of Daily Walking”, Gerontological Society of America (GSA), Austin, TX, USA.
    5. L. Wu, K. Laksari, M. Kurt, C. Kuo, D. Camarillo, (2019), “Sensing the brain during mechanical trauma: from biomechanics to functional outcomes”, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, New York, NY, USA.
    6. K. Laksari, C. Grijalva, H. Babaee, R. Black, M. Kurt, (2019), “Spatio-temporal dynamics of human brain during head impacts in contact sports”, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, New York, NY, USA.
    7. J. Abderezaei, W. Zhao, C. Grijalva, S. Ji, K. Laksari, M. Kurt, (2019), “Nonlinear biomechanics of the human brain with implications for mechanisms of brain injury”, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, New York, NY, USA.
    8. J. Abderezaei, M. Kurt, K. Laksari, (2018), “Nonlinear Dynamical Behavior of Deep White Matter in the Human Brain”, World Congress on Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland.
    9. M. Fanton, K. Laksari, L. Wu, J. Ruan, S. Barbat, D. Camarillo, (2018) “Multi-body modeling of the brain and cervical spine: towards rapid injury prediction and prevention” NHTSA BioWorkshop, San Diego, CA
    10. K. Laksari, L. Wu, T. Nguyen, M. Kurt, M. Fanton, J. Ruan, S. Barbat, D. Camarillo, (2017), “Multi-directional dynamic injury metric for mild brain trauma detection”, Neurotrauma, Snowbird, UT, USA.
    11. M. Boswell, K. Laksari, D. Camarillo, (2017) “The Effect of Brain Size on Inducing Traumatic Brain Injury” International Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Brisbane, Australia 2017 *Finalist: “David Winter Young Investigator Award”
    12. L. Wu, C. Kuo, J. Loza, M. Kurt, K. Laksari, D. Senif, S. Anderson, L. Miller, J. Urban, J. Stitzel, D. Camarillo, (2016), “Accurate detection of on-field football head impacts using an instrumented mouthguard”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Minneapolis, MN, USA.
    13. M. Kurt, H. Lu, K. Laksari, L. Wu, K. Epperson, D. Camarillo, K. Butts-Pauly, M. Wintermark, (2016), “In vivo multi-frequency magnetic resonance elastography of human brain: which frequencies matter?”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Minneapolis, MN, USA.
    14. K. Laksari, B. Hammoor, Leland Pung, K. Mueller, H. Do, D. Camarillo, (2016), “Investigation of in vivo human brain motion under head accelerations”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Minneapolis, MN, USA.
    15. M. Kurt, K. Laksari, D. Camarillo, (2015), "Airbag helmets: an alternative protective headgear for bicycle accidents", Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Tampa, FL, USA.
    16. K. Laksari, H. Shi, L. Wu, E. Ortega, D. Camarillo, (2014), “Fundamental limitation of conventional helmets in mitigating injury”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), San Antonio, TX, USA.
    17. K. Laksari, S. Assari, K. Darvish, (2013), "Computational comparison of shock wave propagation in explosive blast and shock tube experiments", In proceedings of the 2013 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Exposition and Conference, IMECE2013-65073, San Diego, CA.
    18. S. Assari, K. Laksari, K. Darvish, (2013), "Cerebral blood pressure rise during blast exposure in a rat model of blast-induced traumatic brain injury", In proceedings of the 2013 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Exposition and Conference, IMECE2013-64992, San Diego, CA, USA.
    19. M. Shafieian, K. Laksari, K. Darvish and J. Crandall, (2012), "Development of a constitutive model for brain tissue under multiaxial loading", In International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI), Dublin, Ireland.
    20. K. Laksari, K. Darvish, and K. Sadeghipour, (2011), "Shock wave propagation as a mechanism of injury in nonlinear viscoelastic soft tissues", In Proceedings of the 2011 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Exposition and Conference, Denver, CO, USA.
    21. K. Darvish, M. Shafieian, K. Laksari, B. Barabadi, C. Parenti, (2008), "Experimental and computational analysis of brain deformations in linear head impact", In Proceedings of the 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Exposition and Conference, Boston, MA, USA.

    1. Patents
    2. K. Laksari, H. Babaee, (2019), “Noninvasive Real-Time Patient-Specific Assessment of Stroke Severity", US Patent Application, 18-140.
    3. D. Camarillo, K. Laksari, M. Fanton, L. Wu, M. Kurt, T. Nguyen, (2018), “Multi-directional dynamic model for TBI detection", US Patent Application, 62/778,879.
    4. F. Hernandez, K. Laksari, D. Camarillo, (2015), “Device to load body with head impact force", US Patent Application, US20150223543 A1, US14/619,748.
    5. C. Kuo, L. Wu, K. Laksari, D. Camarillo, (2015), “Oral appliance for measuring head motions by isolating sensors from jaw perturbances”, US Provisional Patent Application No. 62/264,721.

    Laksari Lab