ArXiv Papers
Journal Papers
- 39. A. Despande, J. Elliott, B. Jiang, P. Tahsili Fahadan, C. Kidwell, M. Wintermark, K. Laksari (2023), “End to end stroke triage using cerebrovascular morphology and machine learning”, Frontiers in Neurology. [link]
- 38. A. Kamali, M. Sarabian, K. Laksari, (2022), “Elasticity Imaging Using Physics-informed Neural Networks: Spatial Discovery of Elastic Modulus and Poisson's Ratio”, Acta Biomaterialia. [link]
- 37. Danya Pradeep Kumar, K. Laksari, Nima Toosizadeh, (2023), “Sensor-Based Assessment of Variability in Daily Physical Activity and its Association with Frailty”, Gerontology. [link]
- 36. C. Grijalva, D. Halle, L. Wu, N. Toosizadeh, K. Laksari, (2023), “Hyper-acute effects of sub-concussive soccer headers on brain function and hemodynamics”, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, [link]
- 35. A. Kamali*, L. Dieckhaus*, E. Peters, C. Preszler, R. Witte, P. Pires**, E. Hutchinson**, K. Laksari,** (2023), “Ultrasound,photoacoustic,andmagnetic resonance imaging to study hyperacute pathophysiology of traumatic and vascular brain injury”, Journal of Neuroimaging, [link]
- 34. F. Eskandari, M. Shafieian, M. M. Aghdam, K. Laksari, (2022), “Morphological Changes in Glial Cell Arrangement under Mechanical Loading: A Quantitative Study”, Journal of Neuroimaging, [link]
- 33. A. Deshpande, J. Elliott, N. Kari, B. Jiang, P. Michel, N. Toosizadeh, P. Tahsili Fahadan, C. Kidwell, M. Wintermark, K. Laksari, (2022), “Novel imaging markers for altered cerebrovascular morphology in aging, stroke, and Alzheimer's disease”, Journal of Neuroimaging, [link]
- 32. M. Sarabian, H. Babaee, K. Laksari, (2022), “Physics-informed neural networks for brain hemodynamic predictions using medical imaging”, IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, doi: 10.1109/TMI.2022.3161653. [link]
- 31. K. Laksari, M. Kurt, L. Wu, (2022), “Concussion Mechanism: Biomechanical Perspectives”, Tackling the Concussion Epidemic, pp. 1-24. Springer, Cham. [link]
- 30. H. Thurgood, R. Witte, K. Laksari, (2021), “4D Reconstruction and Identification of Carotid Artery Stenosis Utilizing a Novel Pulsatile Ultrasound Phantom”, Current Protocols, 1, e264. [link]
- 29. C. Grijalva, N. Toosizadeh, J. Sindorf, Y. Chou, K. Laksari, (2021), “Dual‐task performance is associated with brain MRI Morphometry in individuals with mild cognitive impairment”, Journal of Neuroimaging, 1-14. [link]
- 28. A. Deshpande, N. Jamilpour, B. Jiang, C. Kidwell, M. Wintermark, K. Laksari, (2021), “Automatic Segmentation, Feature Extraction and Comparison of Healthy and Stroke Cerebral Vasculature”, NeuroImage: Clinical, 102573. [link]
- 27. E. Ozkaya, G. Fabris, F. Macruz, Z. Suar, J. Abderezaeia, B. Su, K. Laksari, L. Wu, D. Camarillo, K. B. Pauly, M. Wintermark, M. Kurt, (2020), “Viscoelasticity of children and adolescent brains through MR elastographye”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. [link]
- 26. F. Eskandari, M. Shafieian, M. Aghdam, K. Laksari, (2020), “Mind the gap: A mechanobiological hypothesis for the role of gap junctions in the mechanical properties of injured brain tissue”, Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. [link]
- 25. P. Arrue, N. Toosizadeh, H. Babaee, K. Laksari, (2020), “Low-rank representation of head impact kinematics: A data-driven emulator”, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology. [link]
- 24. F. Eskandari, M. Shafieian, M. Aghdam, K. Laksari, (2020), “The Importance of Axonal Directions in the Brainstem Injury during Neurosurgical Interventions”, Injury. [link]
- 23. F. Eskandari, M. Shafieian, M. Aghdam, K. Laksari, (2020), “Structural Anisotropy vs. Mechanical Anisotropy: The Contribution of Axonal Fibers to the Material Properties of Brain White Matter”, Annals of Biomedical Engineering. [link]
- 22. D. Pradeep Kumar, C. Wendel, K. Laksari*, N. Toosizadeh*, (2020), “Between-day repeatability of sensor-based in-home gait assessment among older adults: assessing the effect of frailty”, Journal of Aging Clinical and Experimental Research. [link]
- 21. H. Lv, M. Kurt, N. Zeng, E. Ozkaya, F. Marcuz, L. Wu, K. Laksari, D. Camarillo, K. Butts Pauly, Z. Wang, M. Wintermark, (2020), “MR elastography frequency–dependent and independent parameters demonstrate accelerated decrease of brain stiffness in elder subjects”, European Radiology. [link]
- 20. F. Eskandari, M. Shafieian, M. Aghdam, K. Laksari, (2020), “Tension strain-softening and compression strain-stiffening behavior of brain white matter”, Annals of Biomedical Engineering. [link]
- 19. D. Pradeep Kumar, Nima Toosizadeh, J. Mohler, H. Ehsani, C. Mannier, K. Laksari, (2020), “Sensor-based characterization of daily walking: a new paradigm in pre-frailty/frailty assessment”, Journal of BMC Geriatrics. [link]
- 18. F. Eskandari, M. Shafieian, M. Aghdam, K. Laksari, (2020), “A knowledge map analysis of brain biomechanics: Current evidence and future directions”, Journal of Clinical Biomechanics. [link]
- 17. K. Laksari, M. Fanton, L. Wu, T. Nguyen, M. Kurt, C. Giordano, E. Kelly, E. O'Keeffe, E. Wallace, C. Doherty, M. Campbell, S. Tiernan, G. Grant, J. Ruan, S. Barbat, D. Camarillo, (2020), “Multi-directional dynamic model for traumatic brain injury detection”, Journal of Neurotrauma. [link]
- 16. J. Abderezaei, W. Zhao, C. Grijalva, G. Fabris, S. Ji, K. Laksari*, Mehmet Kurt*, (2019), “Nonlinear dynamical behavior of the deep white matter during head impact”, Physical Review Applied. [link]
- 15. M. Kurt, L. Wu, K. Laksari, E. Ozkaya, Z. Suar, H. Lv, K. Epperson, K. Epperson, A. Sawyer, D. Camarillo, K.B. Pauly, M. Wintermark, (2019), “Optimization of a Multifrequency Magnetic Resonance Elastography Protocol for the Human Brain”, Journal of Neuroimaging. [link]
- 14. C.T. Yen, J. Mohler, M. Dohm, K. Laksari, B. Najafi, N. Toosizadeh, (2018), “The Effect of Pain Relief on Daily Physical Activity: In-Home Objective Physical Activity Assessment in Chronic Low Back Pain Patients after Paravertebral Spinal Block”, Sensors. [link]
- 13. K. Laksari*, M. Kurt*, H. Babaee, S. Kleiven, D. Camarillo, (2018), “Mechanistic Insights into Human Brain Impact Dynamics through Modal Analysis”, Physical Review Letters. [link]
- 12. L. Wu, C. Kuo, J. Loza, M. Kurt, K. Laksari, L. Yanez, D. Senif, S. Anderson, L. Miller, J. Urban, J. Stitzel, D. Camarillo, (2017), “Detection of American football head impacts using biomechanical features and support vector machine classification”, Scientific Reports. [link]
- 11. C. Kuo, L. Wu, P. Ye, K. Laksari, D. Camarillo, E. Kuhl, (2017), “Pilot findings of brain displacements and deformations during roller coaster rides”, Journal of Neurotrauma. [link]
- 10. M. Rastgar Agah, K. Laksari, S. Assari, K. Darvish, (2016), “Mechanical behavior of porcine thoracic aorta in physiological and supra-physiological intraluminal pressures”, Journal Engineering Physics. [link]
- 9. M. Kurt, K. Laksari, C. Kuo, G. Grant, D. Camarillo, (2016), “Modeling and optimization of airbag helmets for preventing head injuries in bicycling”, Annals of Biomedical Engineering. [link]
- 8. L. Wu, K. Laksari, C. Kuo, J. Luck, D. Bass, S. Kleiven, D. Camarillo, (2016), “Bandwidth requirements for wearable head impact sensors”, Journal of Biomechanics. [link]
- 7. K. Laksari, D. Shahmirzadi, C. Acosta, E. Konofagou, (2016), “Energy-based Constitutive Modeling of Focal Material Properties of Canine Aortas”, Journal of the Royal Society Open Science. [link]
- 6. M. Rastgar Agah, K. Laksari, S. Assari, K. Darvish, (2016), “Mechanical instability of aorta due to intraluminal pressure”, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, Vol. 8, Issue 1. [link]
- 5. K. Laksari, L. Wu, M. Kurt, C. Kuo, D. Camarillo, (2015), “Resonance of Human Brain under Head Acceleration”, Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 12.108: 20150331. [link]
- 4. F. Hernandez, L. Wu, M. Yip, K. Laksari, A. Hoffman, J. Lopez, G. Grant, S. Kleiven, D. Camarillo, (2014), “Six Degrees of Freedom Measurements of Human Mild Traumatic Brain Injury”, Annals of Biomedical Engineering. [link]
- 3. K. Laksari, S. Assari, B. Seibold, K. Sadeghipour, K. Darvish, (2014), “Computational Simulation of the Mechanical Response of Brain Tissue under Blast Loading”, Journal of Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology. [link]
- 2. K. Laksari, K. Sadeghipour, K. Darvish, (2014), “Mechanical Response of Brain Tissue under Blast Loading”, Journal of Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials. [link]
- 1. K. Laksari, M. Shafieian, and K. Darvish, (2012), “Constitutive model for brain tissue under finite compression”, Journal of Biomechanics. [link]
Conference Papers
- Y. Y. Do, S. Soltanian, K. Laksari, L. Wu, (2020), “Designing a physical model to investigate the role of cerebrospinal fluid in head impact biomechanics”, Summer Biomechanics, Bioengineering and Biotransport (SB3C) Conference, CO, USA
- A. Deshpande, N. Jamilpour, B. Jiang, M. Wintermark, K. Laksari, (2019), “Automatic Segmentation and Labeling of Patient Specific 3D Cerebral Vasculature”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Philadelphia, PA, USA.
- D. Pradeep Kumar, N. Toosizadeh, J. Mohler, K. Laksari, (2019), “Frailty Assessment based on the Quality of Daily Walking”, Gerontological Society of America (GSA), Austin, TX, USA.
- L. Wu, K. Laksari, M. Kurt, C. Kuo, D. Camarillo, (2019), “Sensing the brain during mechanical trauma: from biomechanics to functional outcomes”, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, New York, NY, USA.
- K. Laksari, C. Grijalva, H. Babaee, R. Black, M. Kurt, (2019), “Spatio-temporal dynamics of human brain during head impacts in contact sports”, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, New York, NY, USA.
- J. Abderezaei, W. Zhao, C. Grijalva, S. Ji, K. Laksari, M. Kurt, (2019), “Nonlinear biomechanics of the human brain with implications for mechanisms of brain injury”, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering, New York, NY, USA.
- J. Abderezaei, M. Kurt, K. Laksari, (2018), “Nonlinear Dynamical Behavior of Deep White Matter in the Human Brain”, World Congress on Biomechanics, Dublin, Ireland.
- M. Fanton, K. Laksari, L. Wu, J. Ruan, S. Barbat, D. Camarillo, (2018) “Multi-body modeling of the brain and cervical spine: towards rapid injury prediction and prevention” NHTSA BioWorkshop, San Diego, CA
- K. Laksari, L. Wu, T. Nguyen, M. Kurt, M. Fanton, J. Ruan, S. Barbat, D. Camarillo, (2017), “Multi-directional dynamic injury metric for mild brain trauma detection”, Neurotrauma, Snowbird, UT, USA.
- M. Boswell, K. Laksari, D. Camarillo, (2017) “The Effect of Brain Size on Inducing Traumatic Brain Injury” International Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting, Brisbane, Australia 2017 *Finalist: “David Winter Young Investigator Award”
- L. Wu, C. Kuo, J. Loza, M. Kurt, K. Laksari, D. Senif, S. Anderson, L. Miller, J. Urban, J. Stitzel, D. Camarillo, (2016), “Accurate detection of on-field football head impacts using an instrumented mouthguard”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- M. Kurt, H. Lu, K. Laksari, L. Wu, K. Epperson, D. Camarillo, K. Butts-Pauly, M. Wintermark, (2016), “In vivo multi-frequency magnetic resonance elastography of human brain: which frequencies matter?”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- K. Laksari, B. Hammoor, Leland Pung, K. Mueller, H. Do, D. Camarillo, (2016), “Investigation of in vivo human brain motion under head accelerations”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Minneapolis, MN, USA.
- M. Kurt, K. Laksari, D. Camarillo, (2015), "Airbag helmets: an alternative protective headgear for bicycle accidents", Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), Tampa, FL, USA.
- K. Laksari, H. Shi, L. Wu, E. Ortega, D. Camarillo, (2014), “Fundamental limitation of conventional helmets in mitigating injury”, Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES), San Antonio, TX, USA.
- K. Laksari, S. Assari, K. Darvish, (2013), "Computational comparison of shock wave propagation in explosive blast and shock tube experiments", In proceedings of the 2013 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Exposition and Conference, IMECE2013-65073, San Diego, CA.
- S. Assari, K. Laksari, K. Darvish, (2013), "Cerebral blood pressure rise during blast exposure in a rat model of blast-induced traumatic brain injury", In proceedings of the 2013 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Exposition and Conference, IMECE2013-64992, San Diego, CA, USA.
- M. Shafieian, K. Laksari, K. Darvish and J. Crandall, (2012), "Development of a constitutive model for brain tissue under multiaxial loading", In International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury (IRCOBI), Dublin, Ireland.
- K. Laksari, K. Darvish, and K. Sadeghipour, (2011), "Shock wave propagation as a mechanism of injury in nonlinear viscoelastic soft tissues", In Proceedings of the 2011 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Exposition and Conference, Denver, CO, USA.
- K. Darvish, M. Shafieian, K. Laksari, B. Barabadi, C. Parenti, (2008), "Experimental and computational analysis of brain deformations in linear head impact", In Proceedings of the 2008 ASME International Mechanical Engineering Exposition and Conference, Boston, MA, USA.
- K. Laksari, H. Babaee, (2019), “Noninvasive Real-Time Patient-Specific Assessment of Stroke Severity", US Patent Application, 18-140.
- D. Camarillo, K. Laksari, M. Fanton, L. Wu, M. Kurt, T. Nguyen, (2018), “Multi-directional dynamic model for TBI detection", US Patent Application, 62/778,879.
- F. Hernandez, K. Laksari, D. Camarillo, (2015), “Device to load body with head impact force", US Patent Application, US20150223543 A1, US14/619,748.
- C. Kuo, L. Wu, K. Laksari, D. Camarillo, (2015), “Oral appliance for measuring head motions by isolating sensors from jaw perturbances”, US Provisional Patent Application No. 62/264,721.
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